We talked to Addie de Candole about how the KFPC network helps to support Kamloops’ Farm To School BC program! The network model we have is pretty unique, and quite powerful!

Check out the video HERE!

For more information about Farm to School, check out their website.

For more information about the Kamloops Hub Region, check out this page.

Half a Million People Experience Food Insecurity in British Columbia, Says New Report 
Northern British Columbia Especially Vulnerable

TORONTO, August 31, 2016 — Almost half a million British Columbians experienced some level of household food insecurity in 2011-2012, according to a new report from PROOF, a research group based at the University of Toronto.

Drawing on data from Statistic Canada’s Canadian Community Health Survey, the report finds over one in ten B.C. households struggling to put food on the table in 2011-12. Families with children under the age of 18 were at an even greater risk of food insecurity, with one in six B.C. children living in a food insecure household.

Click here to read the rest of the story and full report!

There has been a flurry of media coverage about our Gleaning Abundance Program, we hope this gets the word about about this fabulous program! Check out this article and TV interview we did recently. For more information about the program, check out GAP’s website.



Victoria residents could soon benefit from the fruits — and vegetables — of their labour.

City council is considering letting residents sell backyard fruit and veggies at urban roadside stands to improve local food security.

Here is the link to the CBC article:



The Kamloops Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is intended to guide the planning and implementation of transportation improvements over the next 10 to 20 years. Between now and 2035, our population is expected to grow from a population of 86,000 to 120,000. At the same time, the City has committed to significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has set transportation related sustainability targets.

Public input is essential to ensure the final Transportation Master Plan is created and supported by community members and is adopted by Council.

Survey Length: 15 minutes

Take the survey here!

The Globe and Mail is publishing a 5 part weekly series on the Canadian Food Industry.  Check it out if you are interested at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/the-food-53-thegatekeepers/article31118114/#index

Check out this great video to learn more about what Logan Lake is doing to get their students to eat healthier and more locally!

‘Bee’ a Citizen Scientist

Friday – Sunday July 15, 16, 17

A three-day workshop with Lincoln Best.

Includes 2 days in the lab at TRU, plus 1 field day collecting, identifying and photographing native bees.

Cost $145, + participants should purchase Bumble Bees of North America, by Williams et al (Princeton Press); and The Bees in Your Back yard by Wilson & Carrill (Princeton Press). These are great books for novice bee enthusiasts and exceptional references for experts.

Contact Elaine Sedgman to register. Seats are limited – so register soon!


Lincoln Best has surveyed pollinator diversity in western Canada for almost 15 years and produced new data for more than 600 species while discovering new species in Canada.

Lincoln studied Zoology and Ecology at the University of Guelph and conducted graduate research at York University on the geographical distribution and genetics of the bees of British Columbia. He has also led field teams through Central and South East Asia, observing native bees in more than 10 countries.

Lincoln is passionate about floral/ bee relationships, especially the visitors to rare and unusual flowering plants in the Southern Interior.

Lincoln Best will also be presenting a public lecture at the Big Little Science Centre, Thursday July 14th, 7:00 pm.

Bee a Citizen Scientist


Come to the parade on June 8 starting in Riverside Park! Here is the pdf of the poster to share with your networks Wild Salmon Caravan Poster Kamloops – Print

Job Posting:KamlLogo-Banneroops Food Action Summer Student

The KFPC and the Farmers’ Market are hiring a summer student this year! The job is available to any full time students returning to school in the fall. The 10-week job will be 30 hours/week helping with the Gleaning Abundance Program and the Farmers’ Market. Email Sandra at gleaningabundance@gmail.com by Friday, June 3 with your resume. We look forward to hearing from you!

This position encompasses two roles; approximately 20 hours a week assisting the Community Food Action Coordinator on the Gleaning Abundance Program, and 10 hours a week working with the managers of the Kamloops Regional Farmers’ Market.