Our last meeting our biggest ever with over 40 people in attendance, and a phenomenal potluck!
We learned a lot about the some of the work that is happening in our community to help provide resources and support to those who are struggling against homelessness. Specifically, we heard about the My Place program, the Life Skills Network and the Lived Experience Committee from Glenn Hilke and Cynthia Travers.
We also heard from Lindsay Harris who is a researcher at UBCO working with the Kamloops Food Policy Council on her PhD dissertation.
Finally, Hannah Juras shared information about Serve, a program that will give non-profits an opportunity to have a group of youth volunteers next summer from July 1st through 7th.
There are attachments in the meeting minutes that provide more information about all of these important and helpful programs and initiatives, so please check it out here: Nov 1, 2017 KFPC Minutes
See you on December 6th.