Support Our Work


Your Donation… 

For twenty-five years, the Kamloops Food Policy Council (KFPC) has been initiating on-the-ground food action programs, advancing local & regional food policy and partnering with local organizations and launching educational programs to help develop a resilient food system. Your donation will help the KFPC support and develop initiatives in the Kamloops community.


Since 2013, the KFPC has operated a Community Food Action Program which mobilizes community members to be involved in urban gleaning, knowledge-sharing, seed-saving, and other food-related activities. This programming connects farmers, gardeners, volunteers, teachers, and anyone interested in local food security. The core component of the Community Food Action has been the Gleaning Abundance Program (GAP). Each year, the GAP saves thousands of pounds of fruit and vegetables from going to waste by organizing volunteers to harvest produce for fruit-tree owners, gardeners, and farmers who are unable to pick their own or have more than they can use. The produce we pick is shared with schools, meals programs, and social service agencies in our community where it benefits some of our most vulnerable and food-insecure citizens.


The KFPC took over the Butler Urban Farm in Spring 2020 at the onset of the pandemic.  The Butler Urban Farm was a great addition to the Gleaning Abundance Program made possible by the Jubliee Urban Movement and Partners (JUMP), Butler Family, and several supporters in our network. We draw on principles from permaculture and regenerative agriculture to provide nutrient-rich food for our community. The Urban Farm provides gardening plots for people in our community. Volunteers also share in the harvests. The COVID-19 pandemic has indicated how important it is to grow local food and we support our community through the Bulter Urban Farm.


The KFPC also works towards the long term community food security of our region by bringing together people from multiple sectors to develop new programs and policies that support a robust, healthy, and regenerative food system.


Since the Covid-19 pandemic struck in March, almost all emergency meals programs in Kamloops completely or partially shut down. A few have started back up with takeaway meals, however, there is no breakfast program available and many people have no access to a morning meal. The Kamloops Covid Meal Train provides 100 breakfasts per day, 7 days a week to vulnerable populations that are food & home insecure (homeless, seniors, and the disabled). The VOLUNTEER staff at The LOOP prepare the meals and volunteers with the Kamloops Covid Meal train distribute them where they are needed (social housing, motels, shelters, senior residences & the streets).