Our partners
The KFPC works collaboratively with food system networks around BC and across Canada and very closely with organizations and grassroots groups in Kamloops.
Get involved with food programs run by members and partners of the Kamloops Food Policy Council, the groups that make our monthly potluck and network gatherings so rich and engaging.
Mount Paul Community Food Centre
(Interior Community Services)
The focus of our vision is to operate the Centre based on food access, food skills and education. We aim to create healthy changes in our community, increase food literacy, engage community members and foster partnerships to ensure we can deliver effective and dignified food programs. ICS strives to create a welcoming space where people come together to grow, cook, share and advocate for healthy food.
Programming Includes: Community Gardens, Educational Garden, Culinary Classes and Workshops, Food Sense, Children’s Programming, Contracted Kitchens, Public Produce, Harvest to Home, Meals on Wheels, Better at Home. Please contact the Centre at 236-421-1011 for more program information.
Kamloops Food Bank
Volunteering with the Kamloops Food Bank provides the opportunity to give back, work in a fun and supportive environment, have flexible scheduling, and have a daily volunteer lunch! The Food Bank is always willing to give tours for new volunteers. There is a volunteer application form on their website.
The Centre for Seniors Information
Among their many activities, the Brock Activity Centre hosts regular affordable lunches as well as weekly dances to bring the community together around food and fun. There are many opportunities to volunteer with this group.
The Gardengate Horticulture Program is an innovative horticulture program that aims to promote healthy eating and active living for persons living with mental health issues. On a 2.8 acre organic farm in Brocklehurst, Gardengate provides rehabilitation, vocational training, and lifeskills training for participants, while providing volunteer opportunities and organic produce for members of the community.