Due to sketchy winter driving conditions, Emily Jubenvill’s presentation was re-scheduled for our April 4 Network Meeting. With this change in plans, it provided the space for Network members to share about the good work they are doing. It was remarkable and inspiring to hear about all that is happening in the Kamloops region.

There was a particular focus on volunteer needs in the community (see the Get Involved section below), as well as an array of events and announcements.

Board Update

The KFPC is looking to increase the number of Directors from six so that capacity is expanded to keep up with the growth of KFPC. There is a nomination process that involves an application form which will be available on the website soon. The Board meets monthly with the expectation that Board Directors attend at least four Network Meetings per year. There is also a need to stay on top of communications and participate in committee(s) and working group(s). Board Directors can expect to spend 8 – 10 hours per month on Board duties.

Those with experience in policy development, entrepreneurial skills, or direct farm experience would be most welcome so that there is a broader representation from the food system community. Read more

At March’s Network Meeting, Jason Locke (left) and Ben Chobater from the City of Kamloops will be shedding light on the purpose of the Official Community Plan (OCP) — the City’s guiding land use and development document. Locke and Chobater will describe how the OCP relates to food systems and food security in the community, as well as any food security actions as a result.

Remember to bring a dish to share for the potluck! The Network Meeting runs from 5:30 – 7:30 PM at the Mt. Paul Community Food Centre (140 Laburnum Street).

Read more

Kamloops Immigrant Services and Kamloops Food Policy Council is hosting an Indian Cuisine Workshop on February 17!

This workshop is FREE and you will learn how to make an array of Indian dishes from scratch.

To register, contact Elizabeth Brown at communityconnection@kcris.ca or 778-470-6101 by February 16.