Garden Tool Maintenance Workshop
Lawrence, our tool-sharpening guru, will help you get your garden tools in shape for gardening season and talk about how to care for them so they will last longer and work better. Read more
Garden Tool Maintenance Workshop
Lawrence, our tool-sharpening guru, will help you get your garden tools in shape for gardening season and talk about how to care for them so they will last longer and work better. Read more
The inaugural seed packaging party for our new Community Seed Library was a great success! Thanks to Sam, Haley, Lindsay, Marie, and Michelle for your time and your ideas! They filled and labelled dozens of seed envelopes in preparation for this Saturday’s Green Living Expo. Come and check out the KFPC display at the Expo and become a Seed Library member to take home some of our seeds.
Check out this new video (you can also click on the photo) that was released on Shaw. It showcases the various partnerships and programs that are offered through the Mt. Paul Community Food Centre. We’re so pleased to be a part of the Centre and the many things happening there!
Our heartfelt congratulations go to Laura Kalina, founder of the KFPC, on a most well-deserved recognition of exemplary service by the City of Kamloops! The Overlanders/Pioneer Spirit Award is only presented in exceptional circumstances and for extraordinary accomplishments. The statue commemorates the arrival of the Overlanders in 1862 and depicts Catherine and Augustus Schubert and one of their seven children. It represents the pioneer spirit and the strength of character of those who built our community. Read more
Citizen Science is a way of engaging the general public with and democratizing science. What makes citizen science dependable is the training and the following of protocols.
April 4, 2018 Network Meeting Summary
It was another fantastic Network Meeting on April 4th! There were several firsts: we tried out a new seating arrangement to accommodate our larger group sizes. Folks seemed to enjoy sitting in smaller groups at the tables because it was easier to get to know people better. Events and announcements were listed on poster paper for people to look at over dinner and will be included in the summaries after each meeting. We were also thrilled to welcome ten people who were at the meeting for the first time! Read more
Community Seed Libraries are cropping up everywhere and we are very excited to be starting one here in Kamloops! Seed libraries can have many benefits to the community, including:
Would you like to grow more of your own food? It’s easy with layer mulching (aka lasagna gardening). Join us to get some practice with this simple, cost-effective method for converting lawn (or bare ground) into a productive veggie garden or mini food forest. This is a hands-on workshop so come prepared to work and get dirty! Read more
In this month’s Connector column, Sandra shares some strategies to deal with the cherry fruit fly, so that they can be enjoyed sans white wigglers!