We are hiring a Pruner/Tree Trimmer to support our GAP this summer!


This temporary 8-week position (~30 hours/week) will work closely with our Gleaning Abundance Coordinator to help with harvests, pruning, and tree care/maintenance! 


The Gleaning Abundance Program (GAP) brings people together to help harvest our local abundance of fruit and vegetables and share it with the greater community. Produce that might have gone to waste becomes a welcome source of fresh food for many who might otherwise go without. The GAP runs through the summer and fall, organizing volunteers to harvest fruit from local trees and distributing it to community organizations like the Boys & Girls Club, Family Tree Center, and Salvation Army.


To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to: info@kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com. Please combine both cover letter and resume into one PDF document labelled: Last Name, First Name

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM, Friday June 17, 2022.


CLICK HERE for the full job posting!

We are hiring a Stirfront Assistant to help us set-up, manage, and grow our community space at our food hub, The Stir!


The Stir – Canada Summer Job Posting: Food Hub Stirfront Assistant

Full Time position (30 hours per week)
 weeks – Anticipated start date: July 1 2022
$19 per hour

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Assisting the Food Hub Manager to operate the public community space of the food hub.
  • Keeping the community space a welcoming location for community members and staff, including maintaining the seed library, people’s library, parklet and pop-up event and workshop space.
  • Performing regular cleaning duties and keeping the space tidy as needed.
  • Role may include customer service and processing transactions.
  • Assisting community members and the Gleaning Abundance Program Coordinator and Butler Urban Farm Manager with local produce pick-ups and deliveries.
  • Assisting the Parklet Project Manager with activating and maintaining the Stir’s outside community space and event and workshop planning and coordination.
  • Helping to run pop-up events and workshops.

How to apply:

The Kamloops Food Policy Council values diversity and is committed to providing an inclusive work environment. We are looking for qualified individuals at all job levels who represent the diversity of the people participating in the food system. We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, individuals of all genders and sexual orientations, origin and ethnic affiliations, abilities, ages, and religions.

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to: info@kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com.

Please combine both cover letter and resume into one PDF document labeled: Last Name, First Name

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022.


Click here for the full job posting!

We are hiring a Kitchen Helper for our Food Hub, The Stir.

This is a Canada Summer Jobs position that is full-time (30 hours per week) for 8 weeks. The Kitchen Helper will help support local food processing in our community at our food hub, The Stir!



Full Time position (30 hours per week)
 weeks – Anticipated start date: July 1 2022
$19 per hour

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Support the Food Hub Manager to oversee operations and facilities in the shared commercial kitchen.
  • Ensuring equipment and surfaces are properly cleaned between rentals according to food hub policies and procedures and documenting any issues or discrepancies.
  • Performing routine checks and documentation of temperatures and chemical concentrations using test strips.
  • Preparing and refilling soaps and sanitizing solutions and consumables as needed.
  • Performing regular cleaning and maintenance duties.
  • Working with the Food Hub Manager to develop, prepare and package dried and preserved food products using gleaned produce from our Gleaning Abundance Program and urban farm for donation to the food bank.
  • Learning to uphold a high-standard of food safety and documentation practices.
  • Acting as an ambassador for the food hub to food hub clients and assisting them with general questions about the facility.

How to apply:

The Kamloops Food Policy Council values diversity and is committed to providing an inclusive work environment. We are looking for qualified individuals at all job levels who represent the diversity of the people participating in the food system. We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, individuals of all genders and sexual orientations, origin and ethnic affiliations, abilities, ages, and religions.

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to: info@kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com.

Please combine both cover letter and resume into one PDF document labeled:

Last Name, First Name

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2022.


For more information, click here for the full job posting.

We are hiring a Pruner/Tree Trimmer (Arborist/Horitculturist) to support our GAP this summer!


This temporary 8-week position (~30 hours/week) will work closely with our Gleaning Abundance Coordinator to help with harvests, pruning, and tree care/maintenance! 

The Gleaning Abundance Program (GAP) brings people together to help harvest our local abundance of fruit and vegetables and share it with the greater community. Produce that might have gone to waste becomes a welcome source of fresh food for many who might otherwise go without. The GAP runs through the summer and fall, organizing volunteers to harvest fruit from local trees and distributing it to community organizations like the Boys & Girls Club, Family Tree Center, and Salvation Army.


The Kamloops Food Policy Council values diversity and is committed to providing an inclusive work environment. We are looking for qualified individuals at all job levels who represent the diversity of the people participating in the food system. We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, individuals of all genders and sexual orientations, origin and ethnic affiliations, abilities, ages, and religions.

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to: info@kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com. Please combine both cover letter and resume into one PDF document labelled: Last Name, First Name

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM Sunday June 5, 2022


Click here for full job posting.




We are hiring a Kitchen Coordinator to guide local food processing at our food hub, The Stir! 


The Kitchen Coordinator is a permanent, part-time position at ~18 hours/week and will be responsible for supporting food processing in the Kamloops region, by facilitating the day to day operations, cleaning and maintenance of The Stir Kitchen. The Stir is a decentralized network of services and infrastructure, with its headquarters, retail “Stirfront” and full-time processing kitchen located at 185 Royal Ave. The long-term vision for The Stir is to foster a thriving regional agriculture and food sector that is a significant contributor to the local economy in our region by connecting local entrepreneurs with the support they need to create, grow, and scale local food businesses. The coordinator will ensure smooth day to day kitchen operations by fostering a collaborative environment that prioritizes high standards for food safety and cleanliness.

The coordinator works within the Kamloops Food Policy Council’s collaborative leadership model which capitalizes on the expertise within our organization. This model mirrors the flexible and nimble structure of our network, and furthermore, it helps to create shared knowledge, diversity of knowledge, and increased resiliency. The coordinator works collaboratively with Board directors, other KFPC employees and contracted project leads.


The Kamloops Food Policy Council values diversity and is committed to providing an inclusive work environment. We are looking for qualified individuals at all job levels who represent the diversity of the people participating in the food system. We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, individuals of all genders and sexual orientations, origin and ethnic affiliations, abilities, ages, and religions.


To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to: info@kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com. Please combine both cover letter and resume into one PDF document labelled: Last Name, First Name

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM Saturday, April 30, 2022

Click here for full job posting.



We are hiring a Finance & Administration Lead who will work within the Kamloops Food Policy Council’s distributed leadership model.

The Finance & Administration Lead works collaboratively with Board directors, other KFPC employees and contracted project leads. The Administration Lead provides consistency and credibility for the organization by delivering core operational functions and acting as a key facilitator for the work of our Board and staff team.

The Kamloops Food Policy Council values diversity and is committed to providing an inclusive work environment. We are looking for qualified individuals at all job levels who represent the diversity of the people participating in the food system. We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, individuals of all genders and sexual orientations, origin and ethnic affiliations, abilities, ages, and religions.

To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to: info@kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com. Please combine both cover letter and resume into one PDF document labelled:

Last Name, First Name

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 PM Friday, Dec 31, 2021

Click here for full job posting.

The Kamloops Food Policy Council is looking to hire a Full-Time Food Hub Coordinator who will be responsible for supporting food processing in the Kamloops region, by facilitating a food hub for the region. The long-term vision for the food hub is to foster a thriving regional agriculture and food sector that is a significant contributor to the local economy in our region. The coordinator will work closely with local entrepreneurs to connect them with the support they need to create, grow, and scale local food businesses. The coordinator will work to grow and sustain a dynamic food hub as a catalyst for building a strong local food system in our region, and build the community, connections and partnerships needed to support this vision.

If you have strong Project Management, Communications and Leadership skills, read the complete job description below and apply!

Applications will be accepted until Monday, January 25, 2021.

Food Hub Coordinator Job Posting Jan 2021