The Community Pantry helps alleviate immediate hunger in our community by proving low-barrier, 24/7 access to non-perishble goods.

The Community Pantry is being accessed frequently and often runs out of food. If you have extra non-perishable items to spare, please drop by The Stir, 185 Royal Ave, and leave them inside the pantry.

The pantry is open 24/7, so you can always leave items in, or take items from, the pantry; no contact needed!

Priority Items

  • Non perishable items – especially items that do not need can openers or to be cooked.
  • Harm reduction and hygiene supplies – menstrual products, condoms, naloxone, tooth brushes and paste, soap, sunscreen, deodorant, etc.
  • Pet supplies – food, treats, toys, collars and leashes.