Our AGM on August 1 was a combination of a beautiful space to gather (thank you, Gardengate for hosting!), an engaged group as we worked through the business portion of the meeting (wow, so impressed with how people were sticking with the process to find a way through some challenging scenarios), and of course, an incredible feast. We were excited to celebrate a year that included a powerful Wild Salmon Caravan, our inaugural Annual Report, as well as the launch of our new website and Seed Library. Thank you to all who joined us, some for the first time, and to Timothy Brookbanks @van.rooy for the stunning photographs from the evening!

KFPC was also presented with a cheque from the Kamloops West Rotary/Brewloops Cultural Development Society. Tyson Andrykew presented the $2,500 cheque that will go towards the Gleaning Abundance Program and Social Enterprise. The backstory to this is that KFPC reached out to Brewloops to make a connection between local breweries and gleaned fruit. Out of this came an Apricot sour from Red Collar. It’s fantastic to see the community work together and preventing local fruit from going to waste.