
Exciting Times on the Farm!

The Butler Urban Farm is taking shape! It is slowly but surely being transformed into a beautiful and productive green space by Kevin, our farm manager and a crew of dedicated volunteers. We are so grateful for the donations of plants, time, and energy from so many people.

Besides the rows of annual vegetables that have been planted, we have a small perennial herb bed started, with strawberries, garlic chives, lavender, sage, oregano, lemon balm and more. A forgotten little rhubarb was rescued and nurtured and now is flourishing.  A neighbour came over with sunflower seedlings and created a little flower bed near the front. The care and attention is starting to show results!

Last week we were the lucky recipients of a Jorocan composter, courtesy of the Fraser Basin Council Youth Program. It will make a very useful addition to our farm in terms of soil building as well as  education – quickly turning plant and food waste into a valuable soil amendment! Thanks to Russ for assembling and delivering!

In full production, this space could be a small, but important contributor to local food security. We are working on adding some native plants and a mini food forest with perennial trees, berries, and herbs. If you are interested in getting involved, send a message to sandra@kamloopsfoodpolicycouncil.com

If you are interested in learning more about gardening, join our free, online gardening classes held every Tuesday evening. The sessions are recorded and can then be accessed from the Butler Urban Farm Learning Collective Facebook page. To participate in the live sessions (more fun), email Jesse at kamloopswildgrowers@gmail.com