KFPC Food & the City Policy Series
Kamloops Food Policy Council is excited to be launching Food & the City, a blog post series to explore a number of deeper civic discussions leading up to the municipal election. Based on the idea that food is a lever for transformative change, we are planning to include topics such as affordable housing, disaster readiness, regional agriculture, transportation, disability justice, mental health, defunding/detasking the police, mutual aid and more. Our first post, on housing development and urban sprawl is available here: Growth and Sustainability for a Food Secure Kamloops.
Interested in getting involved?
You are receiving this email because we’re excited about the ideas and expertise you have about Kamloops, and we would love to invite you to help shape this process! We’re spreading our invitation broadly – any Kamloops community member is welcome to join. We just ask that you be familiar with KFPC’s value statements and comfortable discussing policy ideas aligned with those values.
How can you help?
We’ll be holding a series of ad hoc policy development meetings between now and October, and you are invited to participate at any level of engagement that works for you. This could be:
- attending one or more meetings to contribute to brainstorming and discussion (you do not need to commit to attending all meetings)
- volunteering to research or co-research a specific municipal policy area
- writing, co-writing or reviewing/editing a blog post and policy position statement for the KFPC website
- helping to spread the news by sharing our posts on social media or through your personal networks
Join our first Food & the City policy development meeting!
When: June 16, 2:00-3:30
Where: We’ll meet on Zoom for our first meeting. Please register here (you can add the meeting to your calendar once you register). This will be an interactive discussion (with options for audio/video or text chat participation).
Questions? Suggestions?
If you can’t attend the first meeting but would still like to be involved, please reply to lindsay@tapestryevaluation.com to be added to the list for future meeting announcements. If you have any questions or suggestions for us please feel free to share your ideas!