Last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the BC Seed Gathering at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) in Richmond, BC. This bi-annual gathering brings together members of the BC EcoSeed Co-op, Seedy Saturday/Sunday and community seed library organizers, as well as  students from KPU’s Sustainable Agriculture Program to network, learn more about growing and saving seed, and get inspired from each other’s work.


And inspiring it was! From the opening address by our Minister of Agriculture, Lana Popham, to the carrot-tasting and judging, there was plenty of passion and cause for celebration. Ms. Popham told us she would like to rename her Ministry the “Ministry of Agriculture, Fish, and Food Systems” – which sends a clear message that she understands and values the interconnectedness of ecosystems. It is also reassuring to learn that she co-founded the first certified organic vineyard on Vancouver Island and has been a longtime advocate for vineyard workers and food producers.

Other sources of inspiration were the many organic growers who can talk for hours about different kinds of beans or squash, and the energetic instructors from KPU’s Sustainable Ag program, who gave us a tour of their teaching farm near the KPU campus, including moveable “high tunnel” greenhouses, a geodesic dome, and their mobile seed-cleaning trailer, which just happened to be getting prepared for a trip to the Shuswap to help clean a massive amount of industrial hemp seed for Green Future Industries in Chase.





As the organizer of the Kamloops Community Seed Library, I was excited to meet other seed library organizers and chat about how they operate. The Kwantlen Seed Library is housed in several “antique” card catalogue boxes, which the organizer was lucky enough to find at an estate sale. They are ideal for storing and displaying seed collections and we at the KFPC would love to get our hands on something similar. If anyone ever comes across old card catalogue boxes or cabinets, please let us know!


The vision of the Kamloops Food Policy Council is a food system that is regenerative, sovereign, and just, and it is reassuring to know that so many knowledgeable, committed people in our province are working towards that same goal. I look forward to the next gathering in 2021, to reconnect, and see what new innovations have developed in the world of seed.


Kwantlen Polytechnic’s Geodesic Dome





Half a Million People Experience Food Insecurity in British Columbia, Says New Report 
Northern British Columbia Especially Vulnerable

TORONTO, August 31, 2016 — Almost half a million British Columbians experienced some level of household food insecurity in 2011-2012, according to a new report from PROOF, a research group based at the University of Toronto.

Drawing on data from Statistic Canada’s Canadian Community Health Survey, the report finds over one in ten B.C. households struggling to put food on the table in 2011-12. Families with children under the age of 18 were at an even greater risk of food insecurity, with one in six B.C. children living in a food insecure household.

Click here to read the rest of the story and full report!

Victoria residents could soon benefit from the fruits — and vegetables — of their labour.

City council is considering letting residents sell backyard fruit and veggies at urban roadside stands to improve local food security.

Here is the link to the CBC article:



The Kamloops Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is intended to guide the planning and implementation of transportation improvements over the next 10 to 20 years. Between now and 2035, our population is expected to grow from a population of 86,000 to 120,000. At the same time, the City has committed to significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and has set transportation related sustainability targets.

Public input is essential to ensure the final Transportation Master Plan is created and supported by community members and is adopted by Council.

Survey Length: 15 minutes

Take the survey here!

So much of the work in advancing local food policy is about relationships, partnerships, and collaborations across multiple sectors. A critical first step is to begin to reach out to people and develop relationships. Is there a community dietitian in your local health authority who can help connect you? Is there a food policy council you can get involved in? Find your entry point. That work can feel long and slow but it is building the foundation of relationships which is what this work ultimately comes down to.

-Brent Mansfield, Director, BC Food Systems Network

“Downtown at the Market” Feasibility Study Public Open House

Kamloops and the surrounding region have a long history of ranching, agriculture, and indigenous

food systems, as well as developing innovative approaches for food and agriculture in urban and

rural areas. One such idea is an all year round indoor food market called “Downtown at the Market”.


Wednesday, 13 April 2016 from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM (PST)


Terra Restaurant, 326 Victoria St., Kamloops.

The next stage of the City’s Food and Urban Agriculture Plan will involve public input. Head out to one of the two events to make your voice heard! For more information, visit the city’s website.

Open House Information:

Tues May 26, 4:30pm to 7pm, Northills Mall

Sat May 30, 11am to 2pm, Interior Savings Centre – Parkside Lounge Read more

The Real Estate Foundation came to town, and asked a few of us Kamloopsians what we thought of the food system here in the Interior. So we told them! Here is the summary report from that discussion.

Interior Summary Report 01.08.2015

The Real Estate Foundation has a wonderful grant program that funds many food security/sovereignty projects across the province, so it was an amazing opportunity to tell them about what we need here in the Interior’s food system!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Let’s Talk: Food and Urban Agriculture Plan – Harvesting Our Potential
Kamloops, BC – The City is working on a Food and Urban Agriculture Plan and wants to hear from you.
What is the Food and Urban Agriculture Plan? Urban hens, farmers’ markets, community gardens, virtual food hubs, composting, edible landscapes, gleaning, backyard sharing, community kitchens, gardening techniques that conserve or reuse water, and much, much more – come on out and share your ideas on anything to do with local food and urban agriculture.
There are several ways to provide input on the plan:
Attend an Open House:
These events will feature activities, informative posters, online and hard copy surveys, live music, and local food demonstrations.
·         Saturday, January 31st, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm at North Hills Mall near the Extra Foods entrance. Entertainment will be provided by Johnson Sandwich.
·         Saturday, February 7th, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, at the lower level of Aberdeen Mall. Entertainment provided by Margit Bull.
A Kamloops-exclusive, Chef David will be participating in a Black Box Food Challenge at the Open Houses. Audience members will choose from a selection of black boxes that hide locally-grown food items. Chef David will then have 20 minutes to prepare a gourmet dish with this mystery item and share with audience members. Learn about local food production while watching the sweat on the chef’s brow as he tests his talents to beat the clock.
Contact Your Community Association:
We want to meet with you where you are. If there is an interest in providing input into the Food and Urban Agriculture Plan in your neighbourhood, please discuss with your community association and ask that they contact City staff to arrange a meeting.
Complete the Online Survey:
Go to the City’s Food Security webpage at and click on the on-line survey link. Leave your name and contact information to be added to the stakeholder contact list, and entered into a chance to win one of four $150 gift certificates from the garden centres at Art Knapp or Lyons!
The public engagement phase for the Food and Urban Agriculture Plan will run through the end of February. More information on the plan can be found
Media Contact:
Carmin Mazzotta, Social and Community Development Supervisor
City of Kamloops

To further strengthen the governance of the Kamloops Food Policy Council, a strategic plan is being developed.  This plan articulates who we are as an organization, what we wish to accomplish, and how we wish to undertake our tasks.  This document will provide a general guide to our organization for the next 5 years.  In addition, it will provide the context for more detailed annual plans which will guide our activities on a year to year basis.

The KFPC board has drafted a Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals for our organization.  Now we need to hear from KFPC members.  Are we on the right track?  Did we leave something important out?

Please review this document kfpc_strategic_plan_nov14_draft and provide comments by email to by November 28.  It is the intent of the board to bring a strategic plan to the membership for approval at a general meeting in 2015.