
Affordable Housing Development Forum

Attention Development Community!

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You are invited to the Kamloops Affordable Housing Development Forum 2013, taking place on Thursday November 14th at the Coast Hotel and Conference Centre, and brought to you by the City of Kamloops, in partnership with the Kamloops Housing Board and the Kamloops Working Group on Homelessness. Mayor Peter Milobar will open the morning session, the City’s Development & Engineering Services Department will present a municipal toolkit package of incentives for developers, and 3 different developers will share their business plans and investment models that led to successful affordable housing development. The event will also feature a non-profit housing provider trade show, opportunities for direct conversation with BC Housing and CMHC, and an afternoon mobile tour of three rezoned affordable housing sites and successful local affordable housing examples. Lunch will be provided.

Please see the attached ‘Save-the-Date” and RSVP to:

RSVP by Friday November 8th to:
Stephen Bentley, Planner, Development & Engineering, City of Kamloops

Email: sbentley(at)kamloops.ca
Phone: 250.828.3567