Who is the Kamloops Food Policy Council?

The Kamloops Food Policy Council, based in Kamloops, BC Canada, is on the traditional, unceded territory of the Secwepemc people who have, and continue to, nourish themselves and this land for millenia. This ancient gathering place, where the North and South Thompson Rivers meet is called T’kemlups in the Secwepemc language, Secwepemctsin. This land is called Secwepemculecw.

The Kamloops Food Policy Council is the longest-standing independent food policy council in Canada: pollinating community food projects, developing partnerships, and contributing to public policy since 1995!

In the early 1990s, our founder Laura Kalina, a public health dietitian with Interior Health, saw many in our community going hungry. After pulling together a group of concerned, dedicated people from business, government, non-profits, and the farming community, the Kamloops Food Policy Council was formed to work collectively on solutions around food insecurity. Read more on our story here!

The KFPC continues to inspire and establish food security work by building grassroots community capacity around food through our programs, policy advocacy, education, and partnerships. Learn more about our vision, goals, and programming.

Join us!

Want to get involved in food action in Kamloops? There are many opportunities to hone your skills and explore your interests with the KFPC and our network. We value everyone’s contributions, no matter how big or small. Learn more under “Get Involved“!

Check Out Our Recent Blogs!


Will you adopt our Community Pantry and Parklet?

Have you seen what’s Stirring outside our new food hub? A collection of benches, native plants, and a community pantry have popped up outside The Stir, 185 Royal Ave – and we need your help to keep this space functional for our community…
Beekeeper holding a bee frame with bees and honey on it

Affordable Housing & Food Security

When I go to the grocery store these days, I am really feeling the pinch. I’m glad I planted a big garden this year! I know that I’m not alone in noticing how expensive my grocery bill is. The cost of groceries is increasing rapidly, putting…

Three-Step Social Sector Activation Guide for Host Communities

In British Columbia, climate disasters have an increasing impact on communities. When communities are evacuated, they often relocate to nearby locations known as “Host Communities''. When a host community is “activated”, local Emergency…

We are working together to grow a regenerative food system for Kamloops by building community capacity around food through programs, policy, and partnerships.

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For twenty-five years, the Kamloops Food Policy Council has been initiating on-the-ground food action programs, advancing local & regional food policy and partnering with local organizations and launching educational programs to help develop a resilient food system.

Your donation helps the KFPC support and develop initiatives in the Kamloops community.

  • The Kamloops Food Policy Council, based in Kamloops, BC Canada, is on the traditional, unceded territory of the Secwepemc people who nourished themselves and this land for millenia.

    This ancient gathering place, where the North and South Thompson Rivers meet is called Tkʼemlúps, in the Secwepemc language, Secwepemctsin. This land is called Secwepemculecw.